Flowers From Jon’s Garden

There were a few annuals that were growing in Jon’s raised flower beds that I couldn’t leave to die over the winter.  Three Geraniums, and this pink flower whose name I don’t know. (Maybe someone out there does?)

I put one  geranium in Jon’s office and the other two in the bedroom.  These are colder rooms in the house and I know geraniums don’t mind the cold so much.  But this pink flower seemed to want warmth and sunshine.

It’s in the living room in the east facing window and seems to be thriving there.

There are soft green shoots curling towards the sun and the spiraling pink trumpets keep blooming.  I hope they continue to, they would be even more lovely in February.

I took this picture though the window from outside, so you can see the reflection of the apple and birch tree with the rising sun between them.

A picture of hope I think.

22 thoughts on “Flowers From Jon’s Garden

  1. That’s a mandevilla will continue to grow inside. The green shoots grew around everything in my dining room
    last winter….I did cut it back when I brought it back outside in the spring.

  2. Maria-
    That pretty pink flower looks like a mandaville to me. I cut mine back and keep them in the garage over the winter. I don’t have room in my small house for such a large plant. I water them when they are competely dry. In the spring when it warms they go outside and soon are happily growing up my maile pole.

    1. Interesting Jill, that is another way to go about it. But I am glad to have the flowers this time of year. I love that you take such good care of yours and they appreciate it by growing back!

  3. I hope your pink trumpet flower makes it for you. I brought mine in though I don’t remember name of it. But it slowly withered away dropping leaves. I was sad to see it go.

    1. Oh I’m sorry yours didn’t make it Barb. Seems its a Mandevilla. I’m glad I moved it from the colder spot to the living room, I think that made a difference for mine.

  4. The drum roll please: Mandevilla or its close relative Dipladenia. Tropical plant for sure, thrives in warm environments. Can be over-wintered so very good that you rescued it from a frosty demise. Your intuition about putting it in a warmer location was spot on. You say: There are soft green shoots curling towards the sun, which leads me to think it is more vine-like which means Mandevilla. Or it could be a hybrid of the two. Such a gorgeous flower.

  5. Hi Maria,
    That photo is exquisite! There’s just something about reflections in a window that draws me in. I love it!
    Looks like your pink flower is in the Mandevilla family. It’s either a Dipladenia or Mandevilla. The flowers are almost exactly the same, but their growth habits are quite different. Mandevilla is vining, Dipladenia is shrub-like, or bushy. Both are sun-lovers. If you want more details, check out the Gardening Know How site. There’s a post titled “Growing a Dipladenia Plant” that describes the differences. Thanks so much for sharing with us every day!

      1. Mandevilla it is, then! I’ve loved them ever since visiting my Grandma after she moved to FL many years ago. She planted one on a trellis, just outside the dining room window. It was such a pretty greeting every morning, to see the pink flowers and the curling tendrils. I’m glad you rescued this one. Enjoy!

  6. Oh my those pillows.
    Not sure the time, labor cost to you, but I would venture to say..
    You could sell a very goodly amount of pillows.
    Just saying..

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