Blessing the Winter


Bringing firewood from the barn to the studio for those  beautiful cold winter days to come

Last week in my yoga class we did a Meta Meditation.   It’s a blessing and forgiving meditation where you start out blessing  some one you love and work your way past yourself and to someone you really don’t like at all but want to forgive.  Not so easy. But, my instructor told us “just do it, even if you don’t mean it, eventually the forgiveness comes”.

I’ve lived in upstate NY for over 15 years and this November has been the warmest and sunniest so far.  I think about how I decided I wouldn’t complain about winter this year.   Every time I found myself beginning to whine about the cold weather I would stop myself and instead, say how I loved the winter and how beautiful snow is.

I didn’t really mean it, but I said it anyway.

But, now I’m actually looking forward to some cold weather and the snow.  I guess you could say looking forward to snow is easy after a mild November.  But maybe it doesn’t really matter why.  What matters is that I wanted to feel a certain way  about winter and now I do.   Sometimes having to understand exactly what happened and why just keeps us from reaping the benefits of where we are now.  So I’m enjoying this warm sunny November and when it turns cold and snowy, I’ll enjoy that too. (whether I really mean it or not, and eventually…..)

6 thoughts on “Blessing the Winter

  1. Thank you for this post, Maria. I, too, need to bless the winter. Allowing myself to not really mean will surely be a critical piece to the puzzle!

    Forgiveness will come!

  2. You words, “Sometimes having to understand exactly what happened and why just keeps us from reaping the benefits of where we are now” spoke volumes to me, Maria. I am so guilty of picking everything apart, down to its barest of bones, that I can completely miss the beauty of the “Whole.”

    You really gave me something to work on today. Thanks for this!

  3. Maria, that is beautiful philosophy, something I strive to do myself. It is a wonder that our amazing minds really do relfect what we tell them, not the other way around. Annie

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