Win a Jon Katz Photo in the Common Thread Give-a-way

Fran and Meg at (Old) Bedlam Farm
Fran and Meg at Old Bedlam Farm

It’s here again, the Common Thread Give-a-way.  Every month one of us 5 artists : Jane McMillen,, Nancy Bariluk-Smith, Kim Gifford,  (check out Kim’s Ipad drawing of Jon and Red on her site) and me and Jon  give away a piece of our work.  It’s always the first Monday of the month.

This month it’s Jon’s turn.  He’s giving away a signed and matted (to fit an 11×14 frame) photo  of Fran and Meg at the Old Bedlam Farm.   Now the rules are a bit different because Jon doesn’t take comments on his blog.  So you can leave a comment on my blog if you’d like to enter to win.  I’ll announce the winner (chosen randomly) on Thursday morning.   Good Luck!

120 thoughts on “Win a Jon Katz Photo in the Common Thread Give-a-way

  1. I have Jon’s photo of Red, and this sure would make a nice companion piece for it. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  2. Marie and Jon,
    My husband is a school teacher, but also drives a school bus. He has to drive 20 minutes to get there; so his, and my week days start pretty early. After feeding the pups and letting them out, I settle down with my cup of hot tea to read your blogs. Even though I have never lived on a farm, working one or not, I am a huge lover of animals and love reading about the shenanigans of the Bedlam Farm dogs, cats, chickens, donkeys and goats!! I also need my daily reminder that fear, especially, is the enemy. I love seeing the photos, and I would love to see more videos!! Sure would like to have the print!!!

  3. I love chickens. When I had my little flock of hens, I had a beautiful red named Lucy (very original I know .. Laughing!). All of my chickens loved to be picked up and talked to. They died of old age … all of the earth’s critters are so beautiful. It is an honor to be included in the picture give away. Thank you!

  4. Hi Maria, this is the first time I’ve ever written to you on your blog, but it certainly won’t be the last. I will miss coming up to see you and Jon at your Pig Barn Gallery showings. It was such a wonderfully friendly atmosphere with all the great artists and the animals and beautiful Bedlam Farm. your friend, Mary Barron

  5. HI Maria and Jon, I would be so delighted to win this print! The picture of your rural lives and of course both blogs I find a serenity and peace.I find myself inspired to continue my own growth especially in nature and rememberances thereof! Good luck to me! Louise O

  6. Please add my name to the drawing. I would give this print a wonderful home. I love Jon’s photography. I read both of your blogs every day. You are both inspirations to me! Thank you.

  7. A very fine photo of two chickens and the required red barn. My wife names everything too. My Mother named me “Jerry”. But Coleen calls me “Jerry Come Here” a lot.

  8. I’d like to put my name in to win the print of Fran and Meg. I love all of Jon’s photos, and especially the ones of the chickens. I’ve been thinking of raising chickens and inquired of Jon about your new chicken coop. It’s a tough decision. I have a good egg source for eggs, yet I like the idea of having my own chickens, pecking around my yard. But it’s a big responsibility and once undertaken, no turning back. I could just hang the print in my kitchen and maybe that would be enough, although I doubt it.

  9. I love chickens…wish I could have them where I live…they bring a peace and tranquility to my disposition when I have time to watch them scratch and peck. Thanks for the oppportunity!


  10. This is such a wonderful picture. I have a friend that has chickens and I buy eggs from her in the summer. She never has many in the cold winter months. This would make a nice addition to her chicken themed kitchen. I could also see it when I pet sit for her.

  11. Would love to put this on my wall right next to the framed Bartleby notecards! Thanks for the opportunity, Maria and Jon.

  12. Great picture. I would love to have a picture that makes a statement about two gutsy hens and the courage they had to challenge a fox. Tess

  13. Sometimes when life has us rushing around, we miss a lot of exactly what constitutes “life”. From the way a shadow falls around the barn in late afternoon to the little mound of seed cones beneath a tree that are obvious signs of a squirrel hard at work…we forget to pause, we forget to look, we forget to breathe. Jon, your photos remind me of the beauty, the serenity, the significance…of life itself! For that, I thank you 🙂

  14. Wouldn’t life be interesting from a chickens point-of-view? I think we would learn to enjoy every moment(especially the warm sunny ones) and just be happy we are alive!

  15. I was initially drawn to the blog for the photos and description of a different way of life. I have become increasingly interested in the journey to lead as fulfilling a life as possible and to grow as a person. It makes me think of my own life, and how do I want my life to be and what effort am I willing to make.
    Murielle Antoku

  16. It was reading about Fran and Meg on Facebook – including those photos of lovely eggs – that prompted me to implement my means for raising laying hens in my back yard. A recycled coop is in its last stages of re-furb, a run frame is built. Next the hardware cloth on the run (raccoons and coyotes are watching) then go get pullets. Thanks Jon. Thanks Maria.

  17. What a delightful photo with all the reds and browns in perfect co-ordination! Jon is certainly an accomplished photographer and getting better all the time. I love the idea of your artists group sharing their work and talents this way. Hope we’ll see another show soon!

  18. I have wanted chickens for ages now…since I live with my daugher, she says “NO”. Would love to win this picture … so I could at last have my own chickens. 🙂

  19. I love this photo and it fits perfectly with the lifestyle I am working toward…the photo inspires me even more. Jon’s blog has helped me so much in other ways as well.

  20. I’d love to win any photograph of Jon’s; he’s as much a gifted photographer as he is a great author. Please enter me in the draw. 🙂

  21. I thank Jon every day for bringing me the news from Bedlam Farm. I read it every single day, several times a day. I am moved to tears alot of the time (I am an emotional person) and I am filled with joy alot of the time too! Jon makes me think outside of myself and my world. Since finding his blog, photography, and books, I have become a better person. Many friends have received signed notecards and I was thrilled to meet Maria, Big Maria, and Jon in VT one weekend at a show (with Izzy!). It make my day. Fran and Meg would look wonderful in my kitchen (along with the potholders I have that Maria made!!!). Thank you!!!!!

  22. Dear Jon,

    I have been a fan of yours for many years…I have been consumed by your writings, fascinated w/ your photography and simply gleeful w/ your childrens books which enabled me to share my passion for your craft w/ my young niece – who asked, “when will you write about Minnie and Mother?” I shared the short stories with her and she was captivated and so happy for the cat story! The perils of Fran and Meg had me at the edge of my seat! As a child I would collect our eggs from the hen house (so always a favorite on the blog)! That being said these two lovelies would be honorary members of my barn art collection!


  23. I am happy to leave a comment and to let you know how much I have enjoyed Jons books over the years and I look forward every day to read the blogs of both of you. I also have a farm with so many of the problems you both face , I am 59 and my husband is 62 so so much of of the issues are our issues too !! we have dogs,horses, llamas, and a beautiful flock of chickens, and one mini donkey,Ophieia. I read the blogs every morning with my coffee. Love them! Kathy

  24. Your photography is always beautiful. You have a way of bringing the viewer right in to the photograph. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  25. Fran and Meg, two friends out on a walk. What a wonderful prize to win one of Jon’s prints. Jon’s photos and ideas fill my head and heart on a daily basis. They are words of wisdom that serve to guide me in my own relationships with my three dogs. Sometimes I put his wisdom into practice, other times that wisdom stays in my head. Sooner or later, they pop up and are put to use one way or another. My pets benefit from his blog. They even watch his videos with me. I don’t know what they are thinking, but the do watch. Thanks for the chance to bring Meg and Fran into my home. They are fondly remembered after their run in with the fox. Jane

  26. I grew up on a farm in Minnesota, but only remember having white chickens. Would have been fun to have a few of these “colored” chickens for variety.

  27. Hi Maria,

    I would like to be entered into your contest to win Jon’s print of Fran and Meg. Thank you for always doing something for “your fans”!


  28. I’ve never thought of chickens as an interesting art subject until Jon Katz started photographing them. Thanks for making me see something in a new way.

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