Seasonal Barn Cats

Minnie and Flo in the back porch

The cats were not as happy as the hens to be outside today.  But I did watch Flo hunting around the stone wall and later the sun came out warming their fur as they dozed on the back porch.

Jon laughs at me for making them go outside when it’s warm out (it was almost 40 degrees this afternoon.  But I know it’s good for them to get out, I mean, how could it not be?

They’re back in the basement now, but in a few months they’ll spend day and night outside, being the seasonal barn cats they are.

6 thoughts on “Seasonal Barn Cats

  1. Ok!! I am just going to say it!!
    Why are the cats kept in the basement!!
    How sad!! I am sure they like to be cuddled and loved and be by the fire just like the dogs!! Especially Minnie with her missing leg!! Cold weather can cause them to have more discomfort!!
    Feel free to tell me to mind my own business!! Thank you for listening!!

    1. The cats love being in the basement. they run down there as soon as I let them in the house. The dogs are too much for them I think. And it’s not so bad down there, Minnie spent most of the her time in the winter under my studio or in the barn and Flo in the woodshed. The basement is warm and has mice to chase. Just their kind of thing.

  2. Maria, don’t EVER tell Jon I said so, but your photos (except for ‘Morning Path’ of course! :)) are far surpassing his. More and more beautiful every day.

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