Bud Say’s “More Dog Potholders” Where’s The Boston Terrier?

My Dog Potholders, for sale here.

I know Bud is more interested in the squirrel who lives in the tree than my Dog Potholders hanging from itThat’s probably because there are no Boston Terriers in the batch.

But there are other kinds of Terriers.  There are some Cairn Terriers,  A Wire-Haired Fox Terrier (Thanks to Holly for letting me know the correct name for this breed), and a few Jack Russell Terriers.

One of my Cairn Terrier Potholders

As you can see from the photo, Fate wasn’t interested either.  Again, I don’t have any Border Collie Potholders.  Not sure how it happened that I have a piece of fabric and none of the three dogs I live with are featured on it.

But it is a nice mix of dogs in these Potholders.  Even if they are specific to certain breeds.

I suppose that makes people want to only buy the breed of dog they’ve had or have.  But I tried to design these potholders to stand on their own.  After all, it was that collage fabric that inspired them.

Maybe you can see the individual Potholders and the dogs better in the photo below, where Bud is yawing with boredom and Fate is hoping the sheep will appear on the other side of the fence in the pasture.  (They each got a treat for helping me out with these pictures)

If not, you can see them all in my Etsy Shop.  Just click here.

As usual, my Dog Potholders are $20 each + $5 shipping for one or more.

A friend of mine who is a baker and is having a hard time with the increase in the cost of things like flour and eggs, helped me to appreciate that the supplies I buy to make my potholders are minimal (cotton and insulated batting and thread) since most of my fabrics come from all of you (thank you).

This is one of the perks of using repurposed fabric, besides keeping it out of the landfill. (Another one is that having a stash of fabric that I didn’t choose forces me to be creative and do things in ways I might not otherwise).

Now Bud is curled up on the couch next to me and Fate is sleeping in the dog bed close by.  They both seem to have forgotten all about my potholders.  Although Bud’s ear is twitching which makes me think he’s dreaming.

Who knows, maybe he’s dreaming about all those dogs on the tree where his squirrel lives.

First Fall Potholder

I also have a few Scrap Bin Potholders that are sans dogs in my my Etsy Shop.  

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Full Moon Fiber Art