My Raven, Magic, Death and Creation

My Raven is creating its future in the space before it.  It has entered my life as a symbol of magic death and creation,

Like the seemingly magical mushrooms, I see on my walks in the woods that push up last year’s leaves and sprout overnight.  Those mushrooms are always just under the soil, waiting for the right time to emerge.

Shapeshift that old reality and become your future self,” writes Jamie Sams and David Carson in their book Medicine Cards.

Over a year ago when I first became aware of the Ravens on the farm, I was afraid of their power. Everything I read about them spoke either of death or magic.  I wasn’t ready for either.  At the same time, the Green Heron and Great Blue Heron entered my life and their message was one I was ready for.

I made my Heron fabric painting and embraced my ability to find my own path in life without worrying about what was expected of me or what other people thought of me.

But I kept thinking about Raven.  And Raven kept showing up, around the farm, in my dreams, and in that space between waking and sleeping.

Then one day, it was just time and I began doing the drawings for my Raven fabric painting.   I knew because I couldn’t do anything else. It was around the same time that I came to understand the shapeshifting and magic that Raven symbolized for me.

It was as if,  being able to create an image of the raven was an important part of embracing its power.

And then, through therapy, I came to see that just as Sams and Carson wrote, I was able to change my past by understanding my memories through the lens of the person I am now, instead of seeing them as I had all my life.

The magic was not in wishing for something didn’t have, but in knowing the truth about my past.

Sams and Carson write:

You must put aside your fear of being a voice in the wilderness….as you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of being alone will vanish”  “Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life’s mission…”

I finished my Raven fabric painting, but I’m still working with Raven.  In my art and in my life.

When I dreamed a raven flew under my dress,  my friend Julz texted me that she heard a clear message from it.  “’s the death of your old relationship with your mother and siblings.  Slowly you’re getting the courage to let go and I think the raven is helping you.”

Julz was right.

I have a pile of painted ravens in my studio waiting to become pieces of art.

And every day, a pair of ravens sit in the dead branches of the maple tree which is outside our bedroom window and my studio.

When I hear their call, I go out to see them.

I watch them, high up the tree top while I stand way below them on the ground.  They don’t stay long, then one flies off and the other follows.  I know the tree is a good place for birds to land and roost.  The small ones as well as the large birds, like hawks and eagles have used it in the past.

But I like to think the ravens are visiting me.  And even if they aren’t, I’m hearing and embracing their message.   No longer afraid of their power.

My Raven fabric painting may be sold, but that hasn’t been confirmed yet.  If it isn’t, I will be selling it here on my blog.

Close-up of my Raven

4 thoughts on “My Raven, Magic, Death and Creation

  1. Maria, I love your raven and mushroom quilt. I also appreciate your love for all creatures and nature. Your portraits of your sheep are wonderful. Thanks for including your photo of the scat. You are quite a naturalist and hard working artist. Keep up your great work.

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Full Moon Fiber Art