Thirty Second Meditation. Bubble Dance

Ice melted from the roof of the car onto the window.  The drops created small streams stopping halfway down the window only to be absorbed and pushed further along when another drop of melted ice fell onto the window and slid down the same stream.

I sat watching the drops of water on the car window as Jon filled the tank with gas.  It was one of my moments of nothingness.  And it reminded me of how I loved to watch the water do much the same thing when I was a kid sitting in the back seat of the family car.

When it rained and the car was moving, it was as if the raindrops were in a race, as they absorbed each other and streamed diagonally across the window.

It’s that same kind of moment, though different, that drew me to take this video of the bubbles as they shifted and morphed on a quarter-sized hole in the ice in the small stream in the Orphaned Woods.

I used to think I was alone in my fascination of watching these formations of water.  But when you can connect to enough people as my blog allows me to do, I have found that there’s usually at least one person who lets me know they share my point of view or at least understand it.  And that’s only the people who see it and respond.

So I hope you enjoy the dance of the bubbles whether you’re a water watcher or not.

Thirty Second Meditation

I took this video a few days ago but couldn’t post it on my blog because of some technical issues.

Youtube started naming short videos  “shorts” so they wouldn’t post onto my blog.  With the help of  Jamie at Mannix Marketing,  I found out that I had to change the word “short” to “watch” in the URL.   Now I can post my shorter videos once again.

Thirty Second Meditation

Watching this video after I took it made me think of the state of mind known as hypnagogia.  The place between sleeping and waking when many people find creative inspiration, as I have.  Eventually, there is the clarity of waking up which is usually less magical.

Those are apple blossoms in the water bucket.

Thirty Second Meditation

This shadow was reflected on the living room ceiling through the window from the birdbath.  I’m not sure what caused the shadow to move and grow.  The line through the middle of the shadow is the window mullion and the other shape, which looks like a beaded necklace to me,  is the shadow of a Jade plant.

Full Moon Fiber Art