Twin Healing Trees, Deciding On The Background

After Jon took the video of me talking about making Twin Healing Trees, this morning I finished stitching the trees and made her boots red.

Then I started thinking about the space between and around the trees.  All along I was thinking I’d cut around the woman and remove the white fabric and replace it with another.

But when I found a fabric with the design I liked, the color wasn’t quite right. So I realized that I might just be able to replicate the design of the fabric, which is a pattern of dots, on the ground that’s already there.

So I found a small piece of fabric that seemed close to the same kind of material as the fabric painting and tried out some designs and colors.  Then I cut and pinned the fabric to the piece to see what it would look like.  With all my experimenting I ran out of practice fabric so then used the closest I had to it (that’s the piece above her head).

The marker doesn’t bleed as much on that fabric, and it’s whiter, but it gives me an idea of what it would look like to have the dotted design all round the figure and between the trees.

After trying a bunch of different things for a couple of hours, I left the piece the way I thought it looked best, fed the animals then went for a walk to clear my head.

But I still need more space, so I’ll look at it again in the morning and see what happens.


8 thoughts on “Twin Healing Trees, Deciding On The Background

  1. For my birthday last June my husband gave me watercolor painting lessons! At 65 I’m discovering I love it!! Thank you so much for sharing you methods- I have to learn to experiment with color on practice pieces and know when to walk away and come to my painting later! Your piece is stunning – I would have a hard time giving that up!!❤️

    1. How wonderful that is Cyndi. It’s so wonderful to find a new passion in life. Like me finding Bellydancing. I so get that. I’m really glad to hear that my sharing of my process is helpful too. That’s just what I hope for when I write about it. Enjoy painting!

  2. I don’t comment much, but I just wanted to let you know how calming I find your blog. I just left a very nasty Facebook argument over politics and headed over to Jon’s and your blog for a dose of calm. I don’t seek out the political posts. They just come up on my feed from various Facebook friends. Anyway, you are an inspiration to me along my own spiritual journey.

    Btw, I met you on one of Jon’s book tours. Your beautiful spirit shines through. I just wanted you to know.

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Full Moon Fiber Art