100 Potholders by Plaid Friday

My first batch of potholders for Plaid Friday.
My first batch of potholders (almost finished)  for Plaid Friday.

It starts to get cold at night and I start to think about the holidays.   Specifically Plain Friday.  You know what that is right?  The independent small business answer to Black Friday.  The day after Thanksgiving (although last year it started on Thanksgiving in many stores).

So I’m thinking 100 potholders.  50 Patchwork and 50 Message Potholders.  What are Message Potholders?  They are all the potholders I make that have a stitched drawing on them.  I’m calling them Message Potholders, because that what they do (besides preventing you from burning your hand when you take something hot out of the oven) they have a message.  Whether it’s an affirmation about life, an Everyday Goddess or an Independent Hen.  That potholder has something to say.

So this is my plan.  Between today and November 28th I’m going to make  100 Potholers to sell  on Plaid Friday, November 29th.  (With Kim’s help of course. Bless you Kim, even thought I haven’t told you about my plan yet).  Maybe I’ll throw some Vintage Hankies scarves in there to mix it up a bit too.  So ,in a way, it will  be like a big on-line show

I think it’s a fun way to deal with the Holidays and I’m excited to see if I can actually get as many potholders made as I want to, (along with doing the rest of my work).   So if you’re looking to do some on-line Holiday shopping, come back on Plaid Friday and see what’s for sale.

Almost Ready for the Bedlam Farm Open House Tomorrow

Okay, are you ready for the School House Gallery Tour.  It’s not completely done.  I still have to hang Kim Gifford’s work tomorrow when Kim brings it with her in the morning and Fran will be coming with her Mini Gardens ( those will be outside)  but I’m close.

So, you walk into the School House Gallery and this is what you see to the left.

Gallery 1

Go past the window and much loved air conditioner to see this:

Gallery 2

Keep walking…..and you’ll see that  corner is a bit empty.  It’s waiting for Kim’s work.

Gallery 3

That’s the pile of Vintage Hankies that people can choose from to design their own Vintage Hankie Scarf.  And that’s Kim McMillan’s sewing machine where she’ll  be sewing the scarves while you watch.

Gallery 4

Here’s a few close-ups of some of the work:

chair and pillows

I never did get to fold the fabric in my shelves.  These are a couple of the pillows I have for sale and Jane’s Felted Wool Heart pins on on the right.


This is the one photo of Jon’s that we’re selling at the show, “Queen Flo”.  And those are his note cards below it.

jane pin

Here’s some of Jane’s Door Stop Hens and pincushions.

Hope to see you at the First Bedlam Farm Open House tomorrow from 12-4pm.

Stretching My Mind

White vintage hankies
White vintage hankies

When I first came up with the idea to make scarves from Vintage Hankies, I was looking for color.  When I used up all the colorful hankies, I was left with a ton of white hankies.  Individually, they are subtley beautiful.  But I wasn’t sure how to use them.  Then Sherry asked if I could make her a white scarf.  For some reason it never occurred to me to make a white scarf.  This is how my mind gets stuck and closed.  And Sherry asking me and my not shutting down the idea, is one way my mind stays open.

One hankie on top of another
One hankie on top of another

This is another way.  I was going through my stack of hankies and saw this white hankie on top of the bright orange hankie. It was just too beautiful and (now that I see it) an obvious way to show the intricate hand work of the hankie.   I’m not sure where this is going, but it’s laying on my floor, tempting me to stretch my mind a bit more.

Full Moon Fiber Art