“Show Your Soul” Everywhere

I wanted to get them printed and hung before I leave on Sunday.  And it looks like it’s going to happen.

I just picked up the color copies of  “Show Your Soul”.    I had them made at out local printers.  It’s not the typeface I wanted for the words, but for this first run it will do just fine.

This afternoon, Jon and I will go around Cambridge putting them up on telephone poles and on the bulletin boards of all the businesses in town.

This is my response to what’s going on in our country right now.  To the anger and divisiveness and hate, that so many people are feeling and trying to deal with.

“Stand Up And Show Your Soul”

 “Show Your Soul”

“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these – to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.                                          Clarissa Pinkola Estes

As often happens, I didn’t know what this piece was about when I first started making it.  I didn’t even know from one drawn line to the next what would happen.  In the end it came together quickly.

Then Sabina sent me a writing by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, called “We  Were Made For These Times“.   In it Estes says the most important thing we can do, especially in difficult times, is “stand up and show your soul”.

And that’s so much what this piece is about.

What actually happens when we let our souls shine?  Unafraid to stand up and say this is who I am.  This is what I believe.   To actually know and believe in our ourselves well enough to allow our passions to ignite sparks in others.

Pulling from the ancient, the mystical and  now.  Bringing all the pieces together.  The fiery goddess.    Nature personified.  Grounded and nourishing, strength and transformation.

To read Clarissa Pinkola Estes piece, “We Were Born For These Times” click here.

(I believe “Show Your Soul” is sold.   I have a few people interested in it.    If not, I’ll be posting it for sale sometime soon.)


Showing My Soul

I love to see my Show Your Soul poster framed and hanging on Dawn’s wall.

This is the first and only  poster I ever made from one of my fiber pieces. I only have a few of them left.   I love the idea of them hanging in people’s homes all over the country.

The idea of showing your soul is present in all of my work.  It’s what I’m doing each time I create something, whether it’s a six foot wall hanging a pillow or a potholder.

Thanks for the picture Dawn.

My Art in Your Home

Rebecca’s Flying Egg Potholder

Rebecca sent me this photo of my Flying Egg Potholder on her refrigerator door.  I thought it looked perfect there.  It goes with the simplicity of her kitchen.

Show Your Soul Poster in Cheryl’s home

Cheryl sent me this picture of my Show Your Soul Poster in a quiet corner of her home.  I would think my goddess was very happy to be with the flowers.

I’m always so glad to get photos of my art in it’s new home.  I like to think of my work doing it’s job in so many different places.

“Where Dreams Serve Your Soul” Drawings for Sale

The Place where Dreams Come to Serve your Soul
“The Place where Dreams Come to Serve your Soul” Sold

I was looking through some ancient art on Pinterest and saw a woman, made of bone with Lapis lazuli eyes  from 4000BC Egypt.  She looked so familiar to me, like someone I knew, it was hard to believe she was so old.  I knew I would be inspired by her and when I started my next drawing, there she was in the center of a tree.  These words came to me as I drew: “Welcome to the place where your dreams come to serve your soul”.

I offer you an apple
“I offer you an apple” Sold

That’s Iris with the orange hair.  Her hair isn’t always orange, but it’s pretty much the same style.  I think she’s going to make it to a potholder, I’m growing fond of her. She showed up in one of my other drawings, and here she is again.  Yesterday, as we were driving back from Brattleboro and I was seeing her on a potholder and realized her name was Iris.   Here she’s being goddess, lightening, apples, moons and well, I’m not sure how the dog house fits in, but that’s Iris for ya.

“Sugar” Sold

“Sugar” was obviously inspired by my trip to NYC.  The girl seems to be very much in her life, but on the edge of something, aware or unaware of the vast possibilities, known and unknown before her.

All three drawings are for sale Sold.  They are pencil on archival paper 9″x 12″.   They are $25 + $5 shipping each.  If you’re interested in any of them, just email me here or at [email protected].  I take checks and paypal.

Stand in the light of your soul

A few weeks ago I began a healing drumming class.  It immediately opened something up inside of me.  I couldn’t stop crying in class and became very anxious out of class.   I felt such an old sense of vulnerability  I thought about dropping the class.  It was taking me to a place I didn’t want to go.  But, of course, that’s why I was there.   I may procrastinate, but I’ve come too far to stop now.

The anxiety finally  got so bad I couldn’t stand it anymore.  So I went to see  Mary Muncil, my spiritual counselor.  She  guided me through a visualization that put me face to face with a very old fear.  The little girl I met there, took back her power and drummed her way to safety.

When I began this streaming piece I had no idea what it was about.  But now I know I was telling myself to open my heart and step through the threshold,( just the opposite of my original impulse.)   The girl standing on the drum came after my realization.  She now occupies that place where fear and vulnerability were for so long.  I have a feeling she may show up again.

“Stand in the light of your soul, there’s an ocean in my heart, trust the beat of your heart.”  This is my latest wall hanging for Gallery 99.


“I Belong To Me” Shipping And A New Batch Of Cool Cat Potholders

The morning was shipping, the afternoon sewing potholders. In between Jon and I were in Saratoga for medical appointments.

Jon made a big decision about his toe, which he has been struggling with for over a year.  It’s his story to tell and of course, he came home and wrote about it on his blog. You can read it here.

I’ve been saving the padded envelopes that we get from Amazon purchases and  I used some of them to mail out my potholders today.  The thought of just throwing them in the garbage makes me cringe,  I’m glad I have a way of reusing them.

I try to cover up the traces of Amazon, but the colors and symbols are ubiquitous.  I do try to make the packages my own by using tape with images from my art on it.  So instead of seeing the words Prime with the Amazon arrow, you get “I belong to me” or “Show Your Soul,” with just a bit of Amazon blue peeking through.


These are the Cool Cat Potholders I made this evening.  I’ll be taking Jon to his eye surgeon tomorrow, and I have Bellydancing soon after that, but I hope to make a few more tomorrow.

And those slippers in the photo are my new Studio Slippers.  I had a nice warm pair of slippers that I’d been wearing in my studio for years, but over the summer one of them went missing. I looked everywhere for it, but have the feeling one of the dogs grabbed it and buried it in the yard.

My studio has electric heat and passive solar with four big windows on the south side.  But the floor isn’t insulated.  It’s just wood boards over a low crawlspace with a dirt floor.  I prefer to go barefoot or just wear socks in the winter, but my feet get cold.  My new slippers however are soft and warm.

So even when it’s dark out and the wind is blowing, I can get my work done without having cold feet.

I Am Enough Dish Soap Reminder

My I Am Enough tape on my dish soap

“…Just throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are.”

I started putting my own stickers on my dish soap bottles when our Co-op began carrying bulk liquid soap.

I think I got used to having a label I liked to look at when  Dawn dish soap started putting pictures of birds on their labels, after the Exxon Valdes Oil Spill.  (Dawn soap was used to help clean the oil off some of the birds caught in the spill).

But the bottles of dish soap I saved to refill didn’t have ducks on their label.  And the label was so big on one of the bottles that my stickers wouldn’t cover it.  So I cut a piece of my I Am Enough packing tape and stuck it on the bottle.

Now whenever I do the dishes, I’ll be reminded that I Am Enough.

My I Am Enough Tape on a box I sent out.  I also have Show Your Soul packing tape.



Black Lives Matter

I hung the Black Live Matter sign that I made and held in the protest in our small Upstate NY town a few weeks ago, on the clothesline.  When I have clothes to dry it hangs with them or by itself the rest of the time.

The cars, occasional people walking or bikers can see it from Route 22.   I like the way it moves with the wind, it makes it feel so alive.

I believe this is an important time, as Clarissa Pinkola Estes says, to “show your soul.”

My True Self Magnets

My magnets for sale in my Etsy Shop.  They’re $5- $6 and $1 shipping for one or more.

It began with the 2016 election.  I created a fiber painting that I called Show Your Soul after a quote from Clarissa Estes Pinkola.  She said at times like these the best we can do is “Show our souls.”

I loved her message and wanted to do something in reaction to having elected a  misogynist (among other things) into the WhiteHouse.  So  I made posters using the image from my fiber painting and Estes Pinkola’s words and hung them in my town.  I also gave them to people to hang in their towns.

This is where the idea came from for me to make more posters and postcards and eventually magnets using the images from my fiber paintings and their titles.

They all have to do with a sense of self-worth and being our true selves.  Even my Twin Healing Trees speaks to this message of understanding the worth of our natural world and how we are connected to it.

My lastest magnet, I Belong To Me, is an image from a collage that came out of my recent self-imposed Artist Residency.

My magnets are $5-$6 each and shipping is $1 for one or more.  You can buy them here, in my Etsy Shop. 

Full Moon Fiber Art